Why arent you dancing?

Why arent you dancing?

Why aren’t you dancing? AANZPA Journal 25, Dec 2016 I have been out for dinner with my husband Simon, my brother Simon, and my sister-in-law and friend Jude. We decide to go to Stranges Lane to listen to Lyndon Puffin, a musician who is going to play at...
Tansys take on it

Tansys take on it

Tansy’s take on it AANZPA Journal 27, Dec 2018 Tansy is a twelve-year-old Border Collie dog. When she is at home, she is a working dog and a pet, herding llamas and chickens and sometimes children, and playing with her son Mr. Brock, a Border Collie Huntaway...
Extraordinary Children: Harnessing the Potency of Elemental Roles

Extraordinary Children: Harnessing the Potency of Elemental Roles

Extraordinary Children ANZPA Journal No 19, Dec 2010 Sara Crane traces the journey of her psychotherapeutic work with three children, describing how she came to appreciate the therapeutic potency of the extraordinary elemental roles enacted by them. The work of the...
Turning to Meet the Storyteller

Turning to Meet the Storyteller

Turning to Meet the Storyteller ANZPA Journal No 17, Dec 2008 Recently I spent two idyllic months on a canal boat in France. I kept my connection with my children and grandchildren by writing stories for them to read on my return. The themes that emerged were to do...
Social Atom Repair after Parental Suicide

Social Atom Repair after Parental Suicide

Social Atom Repair after Parental Suicide ANZPA Journal No 17, Dec 2008 This paper addresses the nature of, and conditions for, resilience and hope after parental suicide. The author presents her understandings regarding the young child’s experience of parental...